.AM Price Decrease - August 1, 2015
HEXONET is pleased to pass along a price decrease for .AM domain names. The price decrease is as follows:
- Reseller Price decreases from 79.73* (net: 67.00) USD/Domain/Year to 72.59* (net: 61.00) USD/Domain/Year
- Premium Price decreases from 71.40* (net: 60.00) USD/Domain/Year to 64.26* (net: 54.00) USD/Domain/Year
- Platinum Price decreases from 61.88* (net: 52.00) USD/Domain/Year to 54.74* (net: 46.00) USD/Domain/Year
.BIZ Price Increase - November 1, 2015
Neustar announced an increase to the annual price of .BIZ domains starting November 1, 2015.
- .BIZ Prices: increasing by 1.02* (net price: 0.86) USD per Domain/Year.
- HEXONET recommends renewing any domains ahead of this price increase. .BIZ domains can be renewed now or at any point in the future. Renewals can be for 1 to 9 years.
* The GROSS price includes Germany's 19% VAT; many resellers pay the lower NET price without VAT.